Focus on your business. And let us do what we do best.

Manage your customer acceptance & onboarding.

Instnt’s fully managed acceptance platform allows businesses to provide a frictionless customer experience, enabling them to quickly verify, accept, and onboard more new online customers without fraud loss or compliance issues.

What does Instnt's Customer Acceptance Platform do for your business?

It's a new solution to help your business immediately reduce operational costs and grow revenues by employing fully-integrated and automated AI technology purpose-built to frictionlessly let more good customers open new account without fraud losses.

Instnt Accept™ is the first line of security defense, fraud prevention, loss liability shift, and KYC check - allowing businesses to enhance their digital services and experience exponential growth.

Instnt provides Day-Zero to Day-N identity assurance that warranties each accepted user, indemnifying businesses up to $100MM in fraud loss liability protection so businesses can focus on growth instead of fraud and compliance management.

Instnt provides Day-Zero to Day-N identity assurance that warranties each accepted user, indemnifying businesses up to $100MM in fraud loss liability protection so businesses can focus on growth instead of fraud and compliance management.


Continuous Identity Assurance with Instnt Verify™

Instnt Verify

One-click signup with Instnt Access™

Instnt Access

Collective intelligence fraud prevention

Collective intelligence

Account takeover protection

Account takeover protection

Botnet and automated attack protection

Botnet and automated

Behavioral and device intelligence

our platform

Have burning questions about Instnt Accept™ ?


Plug-and-play zero code integration that gets you up and running with Instnt Accept™ in minutes

How do we work



First, tell us about the data you collect when online customers sign up for a new account: from name, to address, to phone number, to anything else that your business requires.

Let our artificially intelligent machines do the heavy lifting

You tell our AI what fraud risk and compliance checks you want us to run on the user signing up. Then, configure PKI keys to encrypt your data so it always remains secure. Don’t worry - you don’t have to write any orchestration rules, it’s as easy as flipping a switch on or off.
Let our artificially

Integrate our platform with our low-code SDKs and no-code options

It’s your sign-up journey—and we keep it that way. We generate a single line of JavaScript that you can plug into your website or app, with no disruptions to your application.
our platform

Our fully stacked solution provides Day-Zero to Day-N identity assurance and fraud prevention

Continuous identity assurance.

Fraud loss warranty.

AML/KYC checks and account monitoring.

Fully AI managed platform

Web3 Decentralized Identity

Customizable workflows and notifications

Accept and onboard customers with one-click Portable KYC

Instnt AccessTM; the first portable KYC solution that lets a business's good customers access any product or service with a single click, without having to go through multiple sign-ups, varying sign-up experiences, repeated personal data collection, KYC AML compliance re-verification, and re-authentication friction.

What does Instnt's Portable KYC solution do for your business?

Instnt AccessTM empowers businesses to allow their customers to frictionlessly reach their products and services with one click. Businesses no longer need to trade off customer experience with their security, risk, and compliance requirements.

Instnt Access™ complements Instnt Accept™ by employing the Hyperledger blockchain and web3 decentralized identity standards including verifiable credentials to allow businesses to eliminate customer onboarding friction and reduce risks and liabilities from data breaches while gaining decentralized identity capabilities. And of course, it comes with our standard fraud loss indemnification of up to $100MM so businesses can focus on growth instead of fraud and compliance management.

Our full-stack solution provides one-click sign-up and sign-on for consumers, enabling frictionless acceptance and onboarding experiences.

One click frictionless consumer onboarding

Single Sign-up for open banking cross-product access

Risk and Security level of assurance based assertion

Managed Hyperledger blockchain for non-repudiation

Embedded OEM Verifiable Credential Identity wallet

Managed Credential Issuer and Verifier

Managed Credential Revocation for lost devices

W3C Decentralized Identity support

Up to $100MM in fraud loss protection

Protect transactions and prevent account takeover fraud risk with continuous identity assurance

Instnt Verify™ is a continuous identity assurance solution enabling businesses to validate transactions from authorized account owners. This solution stops account takeovers and helps businesses gain identity assurance from account opening on Day-zero to transactions on Day-N.

Our fully stacked solution provides Day-Zero to Day-N identity assurance and fraud prevention

Obtain continuous identity assurance.

Account takeover protection.

Transaction fraud prevention.

Behavioral and device intelligence.

Enable your business to validate transactions.

Prevent account takeover fraud.